Sunday, November 11, 2012

Important Info

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! We have a busy week and a half coming up. Please visit our class wiki to learn more about a special activity we will be participating in next Tuesday.

Please visit the EPGY page on the blog to learn more about Stanford Math. Your child's login, password information, and a link to the website can be found there. Stanford Math offers a wonderful opportunity for your child to practice their math skills at home. Please have them complete at least 1 session per week.

We are in need of baby food jars and mason jars. Please send them our way if you have some you can spare. 

I don't want to overwhelm you with sign-ups or information, but I know many of you need to plan ahead. Therefore, I have already setup the wiki for our class winter party and for our secret elf fun The wikis have more information about these activities.

Please continue having your child practice their math facts each night. We will test on the 5 facts on Friday. The biggest fact on the test will be 5+5=10, but they should study and practice all the way up to 10+5=15.

With the Thanksgiving season approaching, I want to let you know how thankful I am for you and your wonderful children. It is a joy to spend each day with them. They make our classroom a magical place.

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